Kylee Newton
Kylee Newton is a preserver, cook, writer and educator. She was the founder of London based Preserving company Newton&Pott, a brand with the focus of bringing small batch, high quality jams, pickles and chutneys to deli's, shops, restaurants and bars throughout the UK and in Europe. Kylee is the author of The Modern Preserver and The Modern Preserver's Kitchen. Kylee grew up in New Zealand and her passion to save the season to create less waste and use the most of the seasonal glut in sustainable ways is at the heart of her cooking. Preserving acts as the antithesis of this, preserving has always been about longevity and sustainability- so her books encompass these ideals in an unforced, natural, achievable way. She has written many recipes for several national and international publications and champions preserving at any chance she can. She won the 2016 Young British Food award in the vegetable category for her pickles and is seen as an expert in her field of food preservation.